
Уплотнительные ленты из пенополиуретана

Описание продукта

Описание продукта

In the construction and manufacturing industries, ensuring proper insulation and noise reduction is crucial. Однако, many businesses struggle to find an effective solution. Уплотнительные ленты из пенополиуретана offer a reliable and efficient way to seal gaps around doors and windows, providing both thermal insulation and noise reduction. This guide delves into everything you need to know about PU foam seal strips, from their composition to their benefits and installation.

PU foam seal strips are made from polyurethane foam, a flexible and durable material known for its excellent insulating properties. These strips are widely used in both residential and commercial settings to seal gaps around doors and windows, enhancing thermal insulation and noise reduction.


PU seal strip advantages:

  • Thermal Insulation: They reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency by sealing gaps.
  • Шумоподавление: The dense structure of PU foam effectively blocks sound transmission.
  • Гибкость: They can easily conform to different shapes and surfaces.
  • Ease of Installation: PU foam seal strips are simple to install with a peel-and-stick backing.
  • Долговечность: They are resistant to wear and tear, providing long-lasting performance.

How Durable Are PU Foam Seal Strips?

PU foam seal strips are known for their durability. They are resistant to wear and tear, УФ-лучи, and various weather conditions. With proper installation, these strips can last for many years without losing their insulating properties.

How to Install PU Foam Seal Strips

The installation process for PU foam seal strips is straightforward:

  1. Clean the surface to remove any dust or debris.
  2. Measure the area to determine the length of the strip needed.
  3. Cut the strip to the required length.
  4. Peel off the adhesive backing.
  5. Press the strip firmly into place, ensuring there are no gaps.


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