
Уплотнительная лента из пенополиуретана

(1)With about 10 лет производственного опыта, the quality of our products will be guaranteed and it can provide an excellent seal for the application
(2)It provides excellent sound insulation, подавление шума, superior heat preservation,энергосберегающая производительность
(3)Many colors: белый, light grey, коричневый, черный, серебристо-серый

Описание продукта

Polyurethane foam seal strip manufacture

Cladding-type sealing strips are made from PU foam with high resilience, including PE film and PP frame, including self-adhesive seal profile and slot seal profile, which are mainly used in doors and windows to provide an excellent seal property.

Polyurethane foam seal strip Features

Материал: Polyurethane foam
100% brand new and high quality.
With strong resilience after extrusion, good for anti-collision
Ветрозащитный, Excellent aging resistance, easy to cut and easy to install, не требует специального инструмента.
Be widely used in all kinds of sliding windows, раздвижные двери, защитные двери, closet doors and etc, уменьшить ущерб вашим дверям и окнам.
Reduce the noise from outside and the sliding door, обеспечивая вам тихую и комфортную среду обитания.
All-season protection against, влага, черновики, пыль, and insects, bring you a comfortable life.
Preventing dust collection, and can resist rain and cold wind, giving you a clean and warmer environment.

Polyurethane foam seal strip Product Description

PU foam rubber strip for bronze security door seal is for kerf-fitted wood or metal doors and French Style doors. It efficiently restricts air, свет, вода, and sound infiltration.

Polyurethane Weather Seal Advantages:
Friendly to environment
Anti-compression, superior elasticity
PE film anti-abrasion,против старения, антикоррозийный
Various color for choice: черный, белый, коричневый, серый 7 color is available.
Easily installation

PE film provides a basic quality guarantee and a nice appearance
PU has excellent plasticity and extensibility

Wide Application:

This door seal strip is suitable for replacing existing or old seal strips. It forms a tight seal with the door frame and can be dustproof, устойчивый к атмосферным воздействиям, and block hot and cold air. It is easier to disassemble and install and brings you a comfortable living environment.

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