
PU Seal Strip Supplier

PU Seal Strip Supplier tell you high-quality wrap-around sealing strip after equipment

Ветрозащитный: After sealing, check the candle, and the flame will not flutter. 100% sealed

Пыленепроницаемый: After sealing, no dust can be seen on the window sill, and it is protected from sand and dust attacks. чистый

Подавление шума: For users in downtown areas and roads, the noise is reduced by 50%-70%, тихий

Insulation: In winter, the indoor temperature difference between before and after sealing is 3-6 градусов. Keep indoors cool in summer

Power saving: Users with air conditioners can save 15%-20% of electricity per month.

Save money: Пена для зачистки от непогоды windows and doors cost a tenth of the cost of redoing windows and doors

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