제품 설명
Product function introduction of 자동 고무 씰 스트립
- TOP 씰 스트립 제조업체, specializing in the production of automotive Auto Rubber Seal Strips, 건물 문 및 창문 씰, 냉장 보관 도어 씰, 등., 당신이 우리의 제품에 관심이 있다면. (견적과 무료 샘플을 원하시면 즉시 저에게 연락하십시오.)
- 당신은 고품질의 범용 EPDM을 보고 있습니다.&STEEL 도어/부츠/보닛/엣지 내부 외부 트림.
- 문 주변의 트림을 사용할 수 있습니다., 뚜껑, 그리고 기타 노출된 가장자리. 누출 방지, 틈, 그리고 진동. 유연한 가장자리 트림이 쉽게 미끄러져 가장자리를 덮을 수 있습니다..
- 내부 금속, 클립은 트림에 영구적인 그립을 제공하고 다음을 포함하여 매우 다양한 용도를 포괄합니다.
- 자동차, campers, 트럭, boats, 미니밴, 밴, trailers, 버스를, coaches, and lorries. Motor homes, caravans, 트럭, 일반공학, 그리고 국내 사용.
- 다음과 같은 자동차 피팅 – 미니, 포드, 힐먼, 복스홀, 폭스바겐, 랜드로버, 푸조, 시트로엥, BMW, 메르세데스, 포르쉐, 등
- 직접 교체, 고품질 고무 다리로 제작.
- 선루프 유리 가장자리를 감싸는 푸시온 설치 방식.
- 물이 들어가지 않도록 내부와 외부를 밀봉합니다., 부스러기, 그리고 백색소음 침입. 푸시 장치
- 지저분한 접착제 없음, 실란트, 또는 영구 고정 장치가 필요합니다. (즉, 나사 리벳, 등)
- 꼭 누르기만 하면 아주 꽉 조이는 그립감을 느낄 수 있습니다., 유연한 트림은 금속으로 안감 처리되어 있으며 그립감 있는 내부 입술이 있어 안전한 장착을 제공합니다..
- 내열성, 내한성, 먼지 저항, 오존 저항 노화 방지, 방수, isolator noise.Washable&내구성이 뛰어난.
- 조정의 가장자리를 자유롭게 할 수 있습니다, 제거는 자연적인 회복 형태일 수도 있습니다..
(다양한 모델을 맞춤 설정할 수 있습니다., 우리 기술진에게 연락주세요)
Rubber Seal Strip Product Features
Rubber seal strip is a versatile material used in various industries, 자동차를 포함한, 건설, 그리고 제조. It offers several features that make it an ideal choice for sealing gaps and protecting against environmental elements. Here are some of the notable features of rubber seal strips:
- 유연성: Rubber seal strip is a flexible material that can be easily molded and shaped to fit various surfaces and shapes. It can conform to irregular shapes and surfaces, ensuring a tight and secure seal.
- 내구성: Rubber seal strip is a durable material that can withstand extreme temperatures, weather conditions, and wear and tear. It can maintain its seal for an extended period, ensuring long-lasting protection.
- 화학물질에 대한 내성: Rubber seal strip is resistant to various chemicals, including oil, 유지, and gasoline. It can withstand exposure to these chemicals without deteriorating or losing its sealing properties.
- 자외선 저항: Rubber seal strip is resistant to UV radiation, preventing degradation and discoloration caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
- Sound Insulation: Rubber seal strip has sound insulation properties that can reduce noise levels inside buildings or vehicles. It can absorb vibrations and dampen sound waves, creating a more comfortable and quieter environment.
- Water Resistance: The rubber seal strip is waterproof, preventing water from seeping into the building or vehicle. It can protect the interior from water damage and prevent electrical problems caused by water exposure.
- 쉬운 설치: The rubber seal strip is easy to install and can be done quickly and efficiently. It can be cut to size and easily attached to the desired area, ensuring a tight and secure seal.
In summary, the rubber seal strip is a versatile material that offers several features, including flexibility, 내구성, resistance to chemicals and UV radiation, 방음, 방수, 그리고 쉬운 설치. These features make it an ideal choice for sealing gaps and protecting against environmental elements in various industries.
Auto rubber seal strip Product Specification
Applications Of Auto Rubber Seal Strip
- 문: Auto rubber seal strip is commonly used to seal gaps around car doors. It prevents water and dust from entering the vehicle and ensures a comfortable and quiet ride.
- 윈도우: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the windows of the vehicle. It reduces noise levels and improves the efficiency of the air conditioning system.
- Trunks and Hoods: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps in the trunk and hood of the vehicle. It prevents water and dust from entering the engine compartment and protects the electrical components.
- Sunroof: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the sunroof of the vehicle. It prevents water from entering the vehicle and ensures a leak-proof seal.
- Windshield: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the windshield of the vehicle. It prevents water from seeping into the cabin and protects the interior from damage.
- Electrical Components: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the electrical components of the vehicle. It prevents water from entering the components and causing damage.