
유연한 실리콘 호스

유연한 실리콘 호스

유연한 실리콘 호스

특징: 표준 실리콘 튜브와 비교, 그만큼 유연한 실리콘 호스 공장 내부에 강철 와이어 나선형으로 제작되어 더 강한 압력에도 견딜 수 있음, 뛰어난 유연성을 가지면서. 게다가, the Kinglin silicone hose manufacturer’s customized model service makes the products more adaptable.

애플리케이션: Flexible Silicone Hose is common uses in conveying air, 가스, liquids, and even solids in some cases for to their high-temperature resistance. High-temperature characteristics make it suitable for applications involving hot fluids and steam.

재료: 실리콘, a synthetic rubber-like material known for its excellent high-temperature resistance, 유연성, and inertness. The inner lining is made of silicone to ensure compatibility with the materials being transported.

주목: Silicone hoses are not compatible with oils and fuel.

모두 표시 7 결과

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