tubo in silicone resistente al calore
Resistance to acid and alkali.
Resistente alla degradazione elettrochimica.
Good insulation performance.
Eccellente resistenza all'ozono e ai raggi UV.
Resistenza al calore.
Recommended working temperatures: (-60°C to +260°C).
Descrizione del prodotto
Top soft silicone hose manufacturer
Siamo un'azienda specializzata in R&D, produzione, and sales of various high-quality silicone products, We have complete certificates. Principalmente produrre High temperature-resistant tubi in silicone, soft silicone hoses, food-grade silicone tubes, tubo in silicone per camion, tubo in silicone dritto, eccetera.
Product Parameters
High Quality New Materials
High Intensity,Great Tenacity
Soft and Lightness
Heat Resistant and Cold Resistant (-60°-260°)
We Have Many Size
From 1mm To 60mm
If you need other size,Welcome to contact us.
We Have The Colors:
Green etc.
Silicone Hose Feature
1. 100% silicone, sicuro, non tossico, e rispettoso dell'ambiente
2. Liscio, morbido antipolvere, antiaderente, impermeabile e antiurto
3. Resistente al calore, temperature -60~260℃
4. Infrangibile e durevole
5. Customization of the logo, sticker, or bag is acceptable
6. Resistente ad un'ampia gamma di temperature resistente all'indurimento, screpolature, attacco dell'ozono, resistente alla luce solare a molti prodotti chimici
Silicone Tube Prodcut Application
An industrial silicone hose is used to transport heat resistance water, aria, etc near the engine and under high-temperature conditions.
Still, there are many other usages
Soft Silicone Hose Product Specification