Tubi flessibili del carburante

Pressione lavorativa

90 PSI

Pressione di scoppio:

400 psi




Special synthetic nitrile PVC rubber compound, oil fuel and ozone resistant.

Descrizione del prodotto

TOP Fuel Hose Lines Manufacturer

Gomma Kinglin dell'Hebei &Plastic Tech Co., Ltd.

Produttore di tubi di gomma superiore, specializing in the production of automotive fuel hose, tubo in silicone, tubo in silicone per camion, Tubo in silicone per estrusione, eccetera. Se sei interessato ai nostri prodotti.

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Fuel Hose Lines Product Characteristics

Automotive fuel lines, emission control hoses, small shop tools, and commercial usage.

the synthetic nitrile rubber compound, olio, fuel resistant.
Automotive fuel lines, emission control hoses, small shop tools, and commercial usage.
Suitable for both leaded and unleaded fuels.
Heat, olio, ozono, and weather resistant
High tensile synthetic polyester yarn.
Copertina: Special synthetic nitrile PVC rubber compound, oil fuel, and ozone resistance.
Pressione lavorativa: 90 PSI
Pressione di scoppio: 400 psi
Capable of working in high under bonnet temps -40to+125°c.
Colour: Nero
High-performance HNBR rubber hose
It not only has good oil resistance, resistenza all'ozono, wear resistance, and chemical corrosion resistance, but also has a good compression set, resistenza al calore, and low-temperature resistance, and can be used to manufacture sealing products used under harsh conditions.

Fuel Hose Lines Prodcut Application

Fuel hose suitable for use with diesel or petrol. Ideal for automotive, auto, barca, marino, and machinery fuel hoses.


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