
Tubo in silicone a gomito intrecciato


Elbow silicone hose


Gomma di silicone + Rinforzo in tessuto


-60 ° C ~ 260 °C



Braided elbow silicone hose is made from silicone, che garantisce un'ottima resistenza alle alte temperature, ozono, e raggi UV. Resiste anche alla degradazione elettrochimica. This silicone hose meets SAE standard J20.(Contact me for more sizes)

Descrizione del prodotto

Tubo in silicone a gomito intrecciato

Elbow Silicone Hose Long life, high performance, and reliability under high pressure, 90-tubo in silicone a gomito di grado、Silicone 135 Degree Reducer Elbow intercooler Joiner Radiator Turbo Hose is flexible and works great under high temperatures.

Woven thermoplastic and pure silicon creates a perfect blend of strength and durability. We increase the number of plays and wall thickness of our 135-degree hoses as the diameter increases, This way our silicone tube can withstand more pressure.

Kinglin Braided Elbow Silicone Hose is a type of silicone hose that is reinforced with a braided polyester layer, providing additional strength and durability. The hose is designed with an elbow shape, making it ideal for applications that require a bend or turn in the hose.

This product is insulating and non-conductive
This product resists damage from chemical corrosion.
This product has Excellent ozone and UV resistance. (Vi prego di contattarmi per un preventivo e campioni gratuiti)

Tubo in silicone a gomito intrecciato

Specifiche del prodotto del tubo in silicone per autoveicoli

  • Wall Thickness: 5.8mm, 4-ply
  • Size Tolerance: +/-0.5mm
  • Standard Length: 76mm (3″)
  • Operational Temperature: -76°F (-60°C ) to +500°F (+260°C)
  • Operational Pressure: 0.3 to 0.9MPa
  • Pressione di scoppio: 2MPa
  • UV water, ozono, and oxygen damage resistance
  • ISO 9001 and TF16949certified manufacturing

braided elbow silicone hose Product Application

Silicone Straight Reducer Turbo Radiator Hose Coupler is universal in the application, Compreso:

  • Racing cars cooling connector
  • Engine Cooling Hose
  • Intercooler Coupler Pipe
  • Commercial trucks
  • Agricultural and turbo vehicles

Tubo in silicone a gomito intrecciato

braided elbow silicone hose Product Specification

Prodotto tubo in silicone a gomito
Materiale Gomma di silicone + Rinforzo in tessuto
Rinforzo Tela in poliestere o tela in aramide
Temperatura -60 ° C ~ 260 °C
Colori trasparente, bianco, nero, rosso, giallo, verde (può anche essere richiesto di produrre)
Pressione 0.3Mpa~1.2Mpa
Forma Tubo dritto
45/90/135/180-tubo a gomito di grado
tubo gobba
tubo riduttore
kit di tubi in silicone
Forma L/Y/S/Z o qualsiasi forma personalizzata
Diametro interno 6mm ~ 135mm according to the customer’s requirement
OEM/ODM Disponibile
Proprietà antibiosi e anticorrosione Bene
Durezza 35~80 sponda A


mm Pollice mm pollice mm
1 E135-16/187P3 16 5/8 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.7MPa (101Psi)
2 E135-19/187P3 19 3/4 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.7MPa (101Psi)
3 E135-22/187P3 22 6/7 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.7MPa (101Psi)
4 E135-25/187P3 25 1 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.7MPa (101Psi)
5 E135-28/187P3 28 1 1/9 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.75MPa (108Psi)
6 E135-30/187P3 30 1 1/6 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.75MPa (108Psi)
7 E135-32/187P3 32 1 1/4 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.6MPa (87Psi)
8 E135-35/187P3 35 1 3/8 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.6MPa (87Psi)
9 E135-38/187P3 38 1 1/2 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.6MPa (87Psi)
10 E135-41/187P3 41 1 3/5 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.65MPa (94Psi)
11 E135-45/187P3 45 1 7/9 187X187 7 1/3 4 3 0.5MPa (72Psi)
12 E135-48/187P4 48 1 8/9 187X187 7 1/3 5 4 0.5MPa (72Psi)
13 E135-51/187P4 51 2 187X187 7 1/3 5 4 0.5MPa (72Psi)
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Features of Kinglin Braided Elbow Silicone Hose

  1. Resistenza alle alte temperature: The hose can withstand high temperatures, making it suitable for applications that require high-temperature resistance.
  2. Reinforced with braided polyester layer: The braided polyester layer provides additional strength and durability to the hose.
  3. Elbow shape: The hose is designed with an elbow shape, making it ideal for applications that require a bend or turn in the hose.
  4. Non tossico: The hose is made of non-toxic materials, making it safe for use in food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries.
  5. Facile da pulire: The smooth inner surface of the hose makes it easy to clean and sterilize, reducing the risk of contamination.

Tubo in silicone a gomito intrecciato

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