
Tubo riscaldante in silicone rinforzato per alte temperature nero


black heater silicone hose

Working temperatures

-60°C to +260°C)


Eccellente resistenza all'ozono e ai raggi UV.




Nero, rosso, blu, verde, giallo

Descrizione del prodotto

Silicone heater hoses use in cooling, in heating and air conditioning systems. they are very flexible with good bend radius. This allows it to be used in continuous runs, across the full length of a bus or other long vehicle. With less joints and clips, apart from the associated cost savings, the risk of leakage is greatly reduced.

black silicone heater hose Product Advantage

1.100% Materiali siliconici vergini
2.High temperature resistance and long service life
3.Nylon Fiber Reinforced for high pressure & resistant to coolant additives
4.Meets or Exceeds SAE J20 R3 Specifications
5.Extreme Temperature Resistance with Superior Flexibility
6.Lunghezza : 10/20/30/50m as customer’s requirement

black silicone heater hose Product Specification:

mm Pollice mm mm
1 SH8 8 5/16 3.5-4.5 1-2
2 SH10 10 3/8 3.5-4.5 1-2
3 SH12 12 1/2 3.5-4.5 1-2
4 SH14 14 9/16 3.5-4.5 1-2
5 SH16 16 5/8 3.5-4.5 1-2
6 SH19 19 3/4 3.5-4.5 1-2
7 SH22 22 7/8 3.5-4.5 1-2
8 SH25 25 1 3.5-4.5 1-2
9 SH28 28 1 1/8 3.5-4.5 1-2
10 SH32 32 1 1/4 3.5-4.5 1-2
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Heater silicone hoses carry coolant between a vehicle’s engine and its heater core in order to warm up the vehicle’s interior. They are a part of the vehicle’s cooling system that keeps the engine from overheating and malfunctioning. These hoses are made from materials that can withstand exposure to the chemicals and additives used in vehicle cooling systems. These small-diameter hoses are reinforced with nylon cords to strengthen the hose.

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