
China blue silicone heater hose

Silicone rubber is a new type of polymer elastic material. China blue silicone heater hose has excellent high temperature resistance (250-300°C) and low temperature resistance (-40-60°C), buona stabilità fisiologica, and can Withstood repeated harsh and disinfection conditions, it has excellent resilience and small permanent deformation (not more than 50% In 48 hours at 200°C), breakdown voltage (20-25KV/mm), resistenza all'ozono, e resistenza ai raggi UV. Radiation resistance and other characteristics, special silicone rubber has oil resistance.
Trasporti: application in shipbuilding industry.
Radio, motor: in the telecommunications industry.
Strumenti, applicazioni nel settore della strumentazione.
application in the aviation industry.
Blue silicone heater hose is suitable for home appliances, illuminazione, medico, beauty and hairdressing equipment, eccetera.

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