Tubi carburante in treccia – Migliori prestazioni e durata per il tuo veicolo

I componenti del sistema di alimentazione sono tra le parti più importanti di qualsiasi veicolo. A clogged or leaky fuel hose can leave you stranded on the side of the road. Thankfully, modern braided fuel hoses offer improved performance, durability and leak resistance compared to traditional fuel line designs.

Tubo carburante
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What Is A Braided Fuel Hose?

UN braided fuel hose consists of three main layers: an inner rubber hose, a braided mesh sleeve and an outer rubber cover. The braided mesh, usually made of stainless steel wires, gives the hose its strength and abrasion resistance while allowing it to flex and bend easily. This braided construction makes fuel hoses more durable and reliable.

Benefits Of Braided Fuel Hoses

  • Durata – The stainless steel braid reinforces the rubber and protects it from abrasion, cuts and extreme flexing/bending. This extends the service life of the hose.
  • Resistance to heat and ethanolModern rubber compounds used in braided fuel hoses are formulated to withstand the high temperatures inside engines as well as resists damage from ethanol blend fuels.
  • Flessibilità – Even with the braided mesh, the inner and outer rubber layers allow the hose to flex and contour easily during installation and normal vehicle operation.
  • Resistenza alle perdite – The rubber-braid-rubber construction forms a leak-proof seal that prevents fuel from weeping through the hose. This reduces the risk of fire hazards.
  • Ease of installationBraided fuel hoses are pre-shaped similar to original equipment rubber lines, making replacement simple. No crimping or clamping is required.
  • Vibration dampingThe cushion of rubber between the inner hose and braided steel mesh absorbs engine vibrations to minimize fatigue and cracking of the hose.

Other Advantages Of Braided Fuel Hose

  • Higher burst pressure ratingsBraided construction gives fuel hoses the ability to withstand higher pressures inside modern fuel systems.
  • Resistenza chimica – Rubber used in braided fuel hose can withstand gasoline, diesel and ethanol-blend fuels.
  • Noise reductionBraided fuel hoses help dampen fuel pump and injector noise within the fuel system.
  • Resistenza ai raggi UV – Outer covering of rubber protects braided fuel hose from damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight.
  • Better aestheticsBraided mesh gives fuel hoses a unique look that fits with the styling of modern vehicles.

While braided fuel hoses clearly offer performance benefits, choosing the correct hose for your vehicle is important. Factors to consider include:

  • Inside diameterMust match diameter of factory fuel line.
  • Lunghezza – Must cover distance between connections with enough slack for movement.
  • Intervallo di temperatura – Hose needs to withstand under-hood temperatures.
  • Fuel type compatibilityCompatible with gasoline, diesel or ethanol blends your vehicle uses.
  • Valutazione della pressione – Hose rating should match or exceed factory fuel system pressure.
  • Materiale – High quality rubber compounds and corrosion-resistant stainless steel braid.
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