Kit Píobáin Radaitheora Silicone Uilíoch na Síne Do MAZDA

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Kit Píobáin Radaitheora Silicone Uilíoch

A Universal Silicone Radiator Hose Kit is a set of hoses made from silicone material that is designed to fit a wide range of vehicles. Unlike traditional radiator hose kits that are specific to a particular make and model of vehicle, universal silicone radiator hose kits are designed to be adaptable to different engine configurations and sizes.

These components sets typically integrate pipes of alternating dimensions and lengths, together with required straps and fasteners, permitting them to be shortened and tailored to match the exact prerequisites of the automobile. This renders them a flexible prospect for mechanics and car fanatics who work on multiple types of vehicles and desire a set that can be utilized with numerous designs.

Kit Píobáin Radaitheora Silicone Uilíoch
Táirge Silicone Radiator Hose Kit For MAZDA
Ábhar Rubar silicone + Atreisiú fabraice
Neartú Éadach poileistir nó éadach Aramid
Teocht -60 ° C ~ 260 °C
Dathanna trédhearcach, bán, dubh, dearg, buí, glas (is féidir a bheith ag teastáil freisin a tháirgeadh)
Brú 0.3Mpa~1.2 Mpa
Cruth píobán díreach
45/90/135/180-píobán elbow céime
píobán cromáin
píobán laghdaitheora
feisteáin píobáin silicone
Cruth L/Y/S/Z nó cruth saincheaptha ar bith
Trastomhas Istigh 6mm ~ 135mm nó de réir riachtanas an chustaiméara
OEM/ODM Ar fáil
Antibiosis agus maoin frith-chreimeadh maith
Cruas 35~80 cladach A


China Universal Silicone Radiator Hose Kit:

  • Lámhdhéanta
  • Teocht Oibre -60 Go dtí +260 Celsius
  • Greamaitheacht ply den scoth ón gcroílár go dtí na sraitheanna seachtracha
  • Friotaíocht aimsire le solas crua na gréine, Dálaí tirime, Agus uisce báistí
  • Bailchríoch snasta geal
  • Brú Oibre: 43-130PSI/0.3-0.9MPA
  • Lamháltas méide: +/-0.5MM
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