
Séala Baile Átha Troim PVC Edge le haghaidh Miotal Bileog




-40°C go +70°C


sautomotive, comh-aireachta leictreach, pacáil etc

1. High fexible and plasticity. anti -aging, outstanding ozone perfomance, chemistry resistant, wearing.resistant

2. Using range of temperature (minus 40 degree to 70 céime)

3. with seel, wire or aluminum insert and gnpping tongue to achieve much more stronger grpping performance

4. It is easy and fast to install

5. Gooa loing (ecoralve). godo sealing capacrly and efectvce edge polecon

Cur síos ar an Táirge

Automotive U Channel Plastic Edge Trim keep your vehicle away from impact and scratches. Our product can survive in the harshest of weather and applications, friotaíocht creimthe, insliú fuaime, and noise reduction.

Flexible PVC Trim with internal aluminum metal clips and gripping tongue – providing strong grip and excellent grip retention.
Easy to install push-on edge trim designed to cover sharp, not need to adhesive.

The metal edge between the door and the car, more on the outer edge of the door.2. Can also be installed in the sunroof of the car, heavy border equipment, ship’s doors, fuinneoga, and sharp metal edges.

PVC material with good properties, such as perfect stability; extremely good resistance to weather, ozone and UV, excellent to water, steam and chemicals etc.

China PVC edge trim seal Product Specifications:

Ábhar PVC
Feidhmchláir feithicleach, comh-aireachta leictreach, pacáil etc
Teocht -40°C go +70°C
Dath dubh, dearg, gorm, liath, glas, buí srl, tabhair dúinn pantone Uimh. beidh ceart go leor
Méid Tá go leor samhlacha ann chun tú a roghnú, glacadh le ODM agus is féidir a shaincheapadh freisin le líníochtaí agus samplaí


China PVC edge trim seal Applications

Applications on marine, automobile, innealra, and equipment cases – including uses on boats, vans, forklifts, golf carts, helmets, playground equipment, agus eile!

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