Cén úsáid a bhaintear as píobán silicone?
Cur síos ar píobán silicone cad é píobán silicone feithicleach Is cineál táirge rubair silicone é píobán silicone feithicleach a úsáidtear chun gás a chur in iúl,...
Leigh Nios moCur síos ar píobán silicone cad é píobán silicone feithicleach Is cineál táirge rubair silicone é píobán silicone feithicleach a úsáidtear chun gás a chur in iúl,...
Leigh Nios moAicmiú stiall rónta polúireatán Tá stiall séalaithe oscailte polúireatán bunaithe ar mhodhanna éagsúla iarratais agus fisiceacha éagsúla..
Leigh Nios mostiall séala dorais agus fuinneoige Stiall séalaithe eitrithe ardcháilíochta próifíl rubair frith-aosaithe / stiall séalaithe rubair / stiall séalaithe dorais adhmaid Adhmaid ...
Leigh Nios moIs stiall é Weatherstripping a fillteann timpeall fuinneoga, doirse, agus garáistí chun an dúlra a choinneáil amach as do theach. Coinníonn sé an teocht lasmuigh,...
Leigh Nios moStiall séala dorais agus fuinneoige Aicmiú stiallacha séalaithe dorais agus fuinneoige Stiall séalaithe doras cruach plaisteacha agus fuinneoige, doras cóimhiotal alúmanaim agus ...
Leigh Nios mo1. Make a Mandrel’tool The first step in making a silicone hose is to shape the mandrel tool into the shape of the silicone hose...
Leigh Nios moWhat Are Some Uses of Silicone Hoses I believe that many people have heard of silicone hoses more or less. Silicone tubes are widely used...
Leigh Nios moHow to Cut Silicone Hoses Cutting a soft piece of rubber sounds easy, ach tá sé thar a bheith deacair gearradh glan a dhéanamh timpeall an píobáin. We offer...
Leigh Nios moSilicone hoses are used in different applications such as automotive, food processing, industrial sector, leighis, srl. Silicone hoses...
Leigh Nios moAs an important part of the car, the automotive silicone tube is distributed in the engine, chassis and body, and other parts, and plays the...
Leigh Nios moMar tá an saol ag éirí níos fearr agus níos fearr, tá méadú ag teacht ar úsáid na ngluaisteán freisin, toisc go scaoilfidh an carr go leor teasa le linn na tiomána, mar sin tá an...
Leigh Nios moFluorosilicone Silicone Hoses Many people ask if the silicone tube is oil resistant. Standard silicone tubing offers excellent durability and...
Leigh Nios mo