China Truck Radiator Hose Silicone Wholesale Prizen

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Truck Radiator Hose Silicone

  • Truck radiator hose silicone is the material used to create the flexible hoses that connect the radiator to other components in the cooling system of a truck. The hoses allow for movement and vibration while preventing coolant leaks.
  • Silicone radiator hoses for trucks are typically black in color and are labeled asuniversal fitto be compatible with most trucks. They come in a variety of sizes to match the radiator and heater hose connections for different truck models.

Truck Radiator Hose Silicone

Produkt Truck Radiator Hose Silicone
Materiaal Silicone rubber + Fabric fersterking
Fersterking Polyester doek of Aramid doek
Temperatuer -60 °C ~ 260 °C
Kleuren trochsichtich, wyt, swart, read, giel, grien (kin ek ferplicht wurde om te produsearjen)
Druk 0.3Mpa~1.2Mpa
Foarm Rjochte slang
45/90/135/180-graad elbow slang
bult slang
reduksje slang
siliconen slang kits
L / Y / S / Z-foarm of elke oanpaste foarm
Binnendiameter 6mm ~ 135mm of neffens de klant syn eask
OEM/ODM Beskikber
Antibiose en anty-corrosie eigendom goed
Hurdens 35~80 kust A


China Truck Radiator Hose Silicone:

  • Mei de hân makke
  • Wurktemperatuer -60 Nei +260 Celsius
  • Prachtige ply adhesion fan 'e binnenste kearn oant de bûtenste lagen
  • Wetterresistinsje tsjin hurd sinneljocht, Droege Betingsten, En reinwetter
  • Bright Gloss Finish
  • Wurkdruk: 43-130PSI/0.3-0.9MPA
  • Grutte Tolerânsje: +/-0.5MM
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