Auto Rubber Seal Strip
Namme | EPDM composite seal strip |
Materiaal | EPDM solid rubber + sponge rubber |
Temperatuer | -40~+120°C |
OEM/ODM service | As per buyer’s drawing or sample |
produkt Omskriuwing
Product function introduction of Auto Rubber Seal Strip
- TOP seal strip manufacturer, specializing in the production of automotive Auto Rubber Seal Strips, building doors and Windows seals, cold storage door seals, ensfh., as jo ynteressearre binne yn ús produkten. (nim dan direkt kontakt mei my op foar in offerte en fergese samples)
- You are looking at a high-quality universal EPDM&STEEL door/boot/bonnet/edge interior exterior trim.
- We can use the trim around doors, lids, and any other exposed edge. Prevent leaks, gaps, en trilling. Flexible Edge Trim slides on easily to cap any edge.
- Inside metal, clips provide a permanent grip on the trim and cover a huge variety of uses including
- auto's, Kampers, frachtweinen, boaten, mini-van, vans, trailers, bussen, coaches, and lorries. Motor homes, caravans, frachtweinen, general engineering, and domestic use.
- Fitting cars such as – Mini, Ford, Hillman, Vauxhall, VW, Land Rover, Peugeot, Citroën, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, ensfh
- Direct replacement, made of high-quality rubber feet.
- Push-on installation wraps around the edge of the sunroof glass.
- Seals the interior and exterior to prevent water, pún, and white-noise intrusion. Push fitment
- No messy glue, sealant, or permanent fixtures are needed (i.e screws rivets, ensfh)
- Just press on for a snug super tight grip, the flexible trim is metal lined and has grippy inner lips to provide a secure fitment.
- Heat ferset, kâld ferset, dust resistance, ozone resistance anti-aging, wettertichte, isolator noise.Washable&Hardwearing.
- Can be free to do the edge of the adjustment, removal can also be a natural recovery shape.
(We can customize various models, nim dan kontakt op mei ús technici)
Rubber Seal Strip Product Features
Rubber seal strip is a versatile material used in various industries, ynklusyf automotive, konstruksje, en fabrikaazje. It offers several features that make it an ideal choice for sealing gaps and protecting against environmental elements. Here are some of the notable features of rubber seal strips:
- Fleksibiliteit: Rubber seal strip is a flexible material that can be easily molded and shaped to fit various surfaces and shapes. It kin konformearje oan unregelmjittige foarmen en oerflakken, Soargje foar in strak en feilige segel.
- Duorsumens: Rubber seal strip is a durable material that can withstand extreme temperatures, waarsomstannichheden, en wear en tear. It kin syn segel foar in langere perioade behâlde, Soargje foar beskerming fan lange tiid.
- Wjerstân tsjin gemikaliën: Rubber seal strip is resistant to various chemicals, ynklusyf oalje, smoar, en benzine. It kin eksposysje tsjin dizze gemikaliën tsjin dizze gemikaliën hâlde sûnder syn sealingseigenskippen te fergrutsjen of te ferliezen.
- UV Resistance: Rubber seal strip is resistant to UV radiation, preventing degradation and discoloration caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
- Lûd isolaasje: Rubber seal strip has sound insulation properties that can reduce noise levels inside buildings or vehicles. It kin vibraasjes en dampen lûdwellen absorbearje, creating a more comfortable and quieter environment.
- Wetterresistinsje: The rubber seal strip is waterproof, preventing water from seeping into the building or vehicle. It kin it ynterieur beskermje tsjin wetterskea en foarkomme elektryske problemen feroarsake troch wetterbeljochting.
- Easy Ynstallaasje: The rubber seal strip is easy to install and can be done quickly and efficiently. It kin besunigje wurde oant grutte en maklik hechte oan it winske gebiet, Soargje foar in strak en feilige segel.
Gearfetsjend, the rubber seal strip is a versatile material that offers several features, ynklusyf fleksibiliteit, duorsumens, resistance to chemicals and UV radiation, lûd isolaasje, wetter ferset, en maklike ynstallaasje. These features make it an ideal choice for sealing gaps and protecting against environmental elements in various industries.
Auto rubber seal strip Product Specification
Applications Of Auto Rubber Seal Strip
- Doors: Auto rubber seal strip is commonly used to seal gaps around car doors. It prevents water and dust from entering the vehicle and ensures a comfortable and quiet ride.
- Windows: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the windows of the vehicle. It ferminderet lûdnivo's en ferbetteret de effisjinsje fan it systeem fan it airconditioning.
- Trunks en Hoods: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps in the trunk and hood of the vehicle. It foarkomt dat wetter en stof it motorromte ynfiert en de elektryske komponinten beskermet.
- Sunroof: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the sunroof of the vehicle. It foarkomt dat wetter yn 'e auto komt en soarget foar in lekbestindige segel.
- Windshield: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the windshield of the vehicle. It foarkomt dat wetter yn 'e kabine sipelt en beskermet it ynterieur fan skea.
- Elektryske komponinten: Auto rubber seal strip is used to seal gaps around the electrical components of the vehicle. It foarkomt dat wetter yn 'e komponinten komt en skea feroarsaket.