
Silicone Seal Strip

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Doubtedly, silicone sealing strips have been successively applied to various industries such as automobiles, doors and windows, kasten, kuolkasten, konteners, ensfh. Neffens de easken fan ferskate yndustry, we have successively developed unique automobile silicone seal strip, mechanical sealing strips. Undertusken, door and window sealing strips are also our main products list. So the seal strips, Kinglin silicone manufacturer produce, are widely in the uses of sealing industries. E.g. electronics and electricians, lamps and lighting, farmaseutyske produkten, gemikaliën, mechanical equipment, textiles and chemical fibers, automobiles, ensfh.

Characteristic of silicone strip for sealing

Strong adhesivegenerally the window siliconen seal strip has a strong adhesive backing, which is firmly pasted, making your home more comfortable and energy-saving all year round.

High elasticityexcellent resistance to deformation and compression, strong elasticity and durability. Especially the window and door strips can quickly return to their original shape after compression. With good cushioning or buffering performance, it is ensuring long-term shock absorption protection of the equipment.

Wide range of applicationsdoor sound insulation foam is widely used for various door seals and window heat insulation, as sound absorption materials, sealing and heat insulation materials for air conditioners, cabinets or refrigerators, shock absorption materials for cars, elektroanika, audio equipment, ensfh.

Advantages of silicone strip

1. Silicone material has good sealing performance, high temperature and weather resistance, anti-aging and impact resistance, shockproof and waterproof, and can fit all kinds of smooth surface materials
2. The adhesive tape is self-adhesive, with better sealing performance. The high temperature resistant adhesive will not fall off after long use
3. Environmental protection, feilichheid, good insulation, hege temperatuer ferset, small compression deformation, sterke fearkrêft, non-toxic
4. The foamed silicone rubber foams evenly, with a density of 0.25-0.85g/cm3 and a Shore hardness of 8-30A
5. Environmental friendly, non-toxic, odor free, goede fearkrêft, goede fleksibiliteit, no bubbles or pores on the surface
6. Hege sterkte, lange tsjinst libben, produkt isolaasje, miljeubeskerming, high and low temperature resistance, kompresje ferset, soere en alkali ferset, anty-fergrizing, UV ferset
7. Smooth surface and even foam density. Goed oerflak is net kleverig. Good air permeability

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