
EPDM Foam Seal Strip

What is EPDM foam strips

EPDM sponge or foam strips and extruded seals can be made of soft. Dêrneist, it also is for medium or hard density closed cell sponge rubber. Foaral, EPDM strip can be made into various shapes and sizes according to your size requirements. Derneist, it also has good anti-ultraviolet, ozon en oksidaasje eigenskippen. EPDM foam seal strip is made of high-quality closed cell EPDM rubber and has a skin on all sides. this kind of material a closed cell that does not allow liquids, stof of lucht om yn te gean. Dizze EPDM spons strip en seal binne maklik te ynstallearjen, mei hege kompresje eigenskippen, and are very suitable for sealing small gaps. At the same time It’s suitable for indoor and outdoor environments with different applications.

Difference between Rubber and EPDM

1. The main difference between synthetic EPDM and natural rubber is their physical and chemical properties, which depends on the different materials used in their production.
2. Natuerlik rubber, as its name implies, is an organic plant based material harvested from a tree called Hevea brasiliensis. On the contrary, EPDM rubber sheet is a synthetic material, which is a mixture of polymeric chemical compounds. The differences in sources produce materials with different physical and chemical properties.
3. Both ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and natural rubber (NR) can be used as general rubber materials to maintain high wear resistance, high tensile strength and low compression set. They are also flexible elastomers.
4. EPDM is best used for industrial applications where outdoor rubber or natural rubber cannot withstand. In contrast, natural rubber is best suited for light to medium duty applications that do not involve grinding temperatures or excessively corrosive chemicals. So EPDM foam seal strip is worth to recommand.

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