
Los múltiples usos de las tiras selladoras de silicona – Usted debe saber

Las tiras de sellado de silicona son pequeñas pero poderosas piezas de caucho o plástico rellenas de silicona.. Esta sencilla solución proporciona un sellado eficaz, cushioning and baffling for a wide range of applications. Here are just some of the many uses for tira de sellado de silicona productos:

tira de sellado de silicona
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Closing Gaps and Sealing Out Dust

The soft, flexible nature of silicone seal strips makes them ideal for filling gaps and sealing out dust, moisture and air. They can be used to seal gaps between windows, puertas, vents and other openings. Their removable adhesive backing allows for easy application and repositioning.

Reducing Noise

Silicone seal strips are effective sound absorbers, making them useful for reducing unwanted noise. They can be installed around doors, ventanas, vents and other openings to decrease noise transfer between rooms or to the outside. The soft silicone composition helps dampen vibrations that cause noise.

Providing Buffer And Protection

La tira de sellado de silicona proporciona un amortiguador duradero pero suave para proteger las superficies del roce., Daños por raspado y impacto.. Se pueden instalar entre bisagras., cerraduras y otras piezas móviles para reducir el contacto metal con metal y amortiguar el movimiento. Sus propiedades de amortiguación también ayudan a proteger las superficies de golpes y abolladuras..

Instalación de electrodomésticos mediante tira de sellado de silicona

Muchos electrodomésticos como refrigeradores., congeladores, Las lavadoras y lavavajillas vienen con una tira de sellado de silicona preinstalada.. Estos sellos continuos ayudan a garantizar un ajuste perfecto cuando el electrodoméstico se coloca contra los gabinetes y pisos circundantes.. Ayudan a bloquear el aire y la humedad y reducir la transferencia de ruido y vibraciones..

Impermeabilización y aislamiento

Las tiras de sellado de silicona pueden mejorar la resistencia a la intemperie y la eficiencia de aislamiento de las ventanas, puertas y techos. Installed around the perimeter, they fill tiny gaps that allow air and heat transfer. This helps block cold drafts in winter and hot air in summer, keeping indoor environments more comfortable.

Securing Panels And Assemblies

Silicone seal strips can function as non-permanent adhesives by securing panels, assemblies and other components in place. Their removable adhesive backing allows for repositioning if needed. Yet once pressed into place, they provide a firm enough grip for many non-critical applications.

There Are A Few Factors To Consider When Selecting Silicone Seal Strips:

  • WidthChoose from widths between 5mm to over 50mm depending on the size of gap you need to fill. Wider strips provide more cushioning and sealing.
  • Espesor – Select strips between 1mm and 5mm thick. Thicker strips offer greater compression load capacity and longevity.
  • Durómetro – The durometer measures hardness on a scale of 00-100 with 00 being softest. Most silicone seal strips have durometers between 20-60 for the right balance of softness and rigidity.
  • AdhesiveSelect removable, permanent or non-adhesive seal strips depending on your needs. Removable adhesive allows for repositioning while permanent adhesive bonds more securely.
  • Color – Choose from black, white or clear seal strips to best match your application. Custom colors are also available for some strips.
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