
Silicona & Las mangueras de caucho marcan una gran diferencia con respecto a los fabricantes de mangueras

If you need a new coolant or heater hose, silicone is a better choice than rubber due to its high temperature resistance and durability. Silicone hoses from hose manufacturers are reinforced with wire braiding for strength. Rubber hoses are also important for vehicle engines. Choosing the proper hose material is key to performance.

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Silicone Hoses Offer Advantages Like Below:

  • Higher heat resistance up to 350°F
  • Improved flexibility
  • Vida útil más larga

They come in various diameters and lengths to suit applications. Reinforcement improves strength and vacuum resistance.

Main Types Of Rubber Hoses For Sale Include:

  • Fuel hoses carrying gasoline or diesel from tanks. Made of reinforced rubber or nylon to resist corrosion.
  • Heater hoses carrying hot coolant to the heater core. Made of reinforced rubber or silicone and withstand high temperatures.
  • Vacuum hoses controlling engine components. Made of reinforced rubber or silicone to resist heat and pressure.

Silicone VS. Mangueras de goma:

Silicone hoses have:

  • Higher temperature resistance up to 350°F
  • Better chemical resistance since they break down slower in chemicals

Rubber hoses have:

  • Lower price

Both materials have advantages for different applications. En general, silicone hoses offer better performance in high heat and chemical exposure. But rubber works well for general purposes and vacuum lines. Choose the proper hose material from manufacturers based on your vehicle, price point, and operating conditions. This will maximize performance and service life.

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