Sello de moldura de borde de caucho automotriz

1.Resistencia al ozono y a los productos químicos..

2.Buena elasticidad y flexibilidad..

3.Excelente resistencia a la intemperie y al agua.

4.Resistencia a altas y bajas temperaturas.

5.Sin olor penetrante.

6.Garantiza una larga vida útil bajo temperatura estable..

Descripción del Producto

Sello de moldura de borde de caucho automotrizLos sellos de caucho para automóviles se componen principalmente de caucho EPDM. (EPDM) compuesto de espuma de caucho hecho con denso, containing a unique metal fixture and a tongue-shaped buckle, durable, and good for installation. Sello de caucho EPDM con excelente resistencia al envejecimiento., resistencia a altas temperaturas, and chemical resistance properties of chemical agents.

Has good flexibility and resistance to compression set resistance, el uso a largo plazo no se agrietará ni deformará, and at -50 grados a 120 grados entre pueden mantener su alto rendimiento de sellado original. Kinglin Automotive Rubber Edge Trim Seal is a leading manufacturer of high-quality rubber edge trim seals for the automotive industry. Their products are known for their durability, fiabilidad, and superior performance.

(Contact us to get a sample)

Automotive Rubber Edge Trim Seal Product Specifications:

Nombre Tira de sellado compuesta de EPDM
Material caucho macizo EPDM + goma esponjosa
Insertar portador de metal (portador de acero o alambre)
Temperatura -40~+120°C
Función Impermeable, sellando, aislamiento acústico, a prueba de polvo, anticongelante
Solicitud carros, puertas, ventanas, industria de la construcción de gabinetes, etc..
Dureza 50-75Costa A o según su petición
Servicio OEM/ODM Según el dibujo o la muestra del comprador

Product Range of Kinglin Automotive Rubber Edge

Kinglin Automotive Rubber Edge Trim Seal offers a wide range of products for the automotive industry, incluido:

  • EPDM rubber edge trim seals
  • PVC edge trim seals
  • TPE edge trim seals
  • Silicone edge trim seals
  • Butyl edge trim seals
Sello de moldura de borde de caucho automotriz

Product range

Nuestro servicio

1. OEM & ODM son bienvenidos.
2. Supply a free sample as a reference.
3. We will reply to your inquiry within 24 horas.
4. Después de enviar, Realizaremos un seguimiento de los productos por usted hasta que los reciba.. After you test them. Si tienes alguna pregunta.

Automotive Rubber Edge Trim Seal Product use:

Mainly used in machinery, cortinas de cristal, high and low-voltage switch cabinets, automóviles, refuerzo de materiales de placa de acero, Envoltura de bordes y anticolisión y antideslizante., decoración, antiarañazos, sellando, and other protection functions

Door Seals

One of the most common uses of automotive rubber edge trim seals is door seals. Door seals are critical for providing a tight seal between the door and the body of the vehicle, preventing water, polvo, and other contaminants from entering the vehicle’s interior. Rubber door seals are designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing reliable protection against the elements for the life of the vehicle.

Window Seals

Window seals are another important application for automotive rubber edge trim seals. Window seals provide a tight seal between the window and the body of the vehicle, preventing water, polvo, and other contaminants from entering the vehicle’s interior. Rubber window seals are designed to be flexible and durable, allowing for the smooth operation of the window while providing reliable protection against the elements.

Sello de moldura de borde de caucho automotriz

Sello de moldura de borde de caucho automotriz

Hood Seals

Hood seals are another critical application for automotive rubber edge trim seals. Hood seals provide a tight seal between the hood and the body of the vehicle, preventing water, polvo, and other contaminants from entering the engine compartment. Rubber hood seals are designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing reliable protection against the elements for the life of the vehicle.

Trunk Seals

Trunk seals are another important application for automotive rubber edge trim seals. Trunk seals provide a tight seal between the trunk lid and the body of the vehicle, preventing water, polvo, and other contaminants from entering the trunk. Rubber trunk seals are designed to be flexible and durable, allowing for easy opening and closing of the trunk while providing reliable protection against the elements.

Fender Seals

Fender seals are another critical application for automotive rubber edge trim seals. Fender seals provide a tight seal between the fender and the body of the vehicle, preventing water, polvo, and other contaminants from entering the vehicle’s interior. Rubber fender seals are designed to be flexible and durable, allowing for the smooth operation of the fender while providing reliable protection against the elements.

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