
5 Manguera de silicona en pulgadas – De silicona KingLIN & Fábrica de caucho de China

ReyLIN – una conocida fábrica de mangueras de silicona en China. Participamos en la industria de mangueras de silicona y caucho durante más de 10 años. Además, 200+ oversea customers over 70+ countries. Mientras tanto, 5 inch silicone hose is our hot sale model. Below will tell you why 5 silicone hose is so popular?

  • Constructed from platinum-cured silicone which is heat resistant up to 500°F continuous.
  • Reinforced with braided fiberglass or stainless steel wire for strength.
  • Resists fuels, aceites, coolants, and most chemicals.
  • Used as heater ducting, radiator connections for engines.
  • Well suited for hot air ventilation systems up to 500°F.
  • Well suited for both industrial and residential large-scale heating applications.
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