Κατασκευαστής σωλήνων σιλικόνης Κίνας
Silicone materials are widely used in semiconductor device manufacturing. Due to its low cost and ability to produce high quality silicone dioxide required for impurity diffusion and surface passivation processes. In fact, σιλικόνη, by China silicone hose manufacturer, also widely use for silicone hose and silicone tubes products.
In the first place, the idea of using silicone hose was that you could replace the standard hose. So it would not expand and heat up under pressure. Silicone hoses are capable of transferring fluids at much higher temperatures than rubber. Let us list the main application of silicone hose below.
1. Εύκαμπτος σωλήνας σιλικόνης
Silicone hump hoses are a type of flexible hose made of silicone rubber material. Επιπροσθέτως, it widely used in various industries. Εν τω μεταξύ, includes automotive, θαλάσσια, αεροδιαστημική, and industrial manufacturing. Referrring to automotive industry, Silicone hump hoses are commonly used in engine intake and cooling systems, συστήματα υπερσυμπιεστών. Σίγουρα, it’s also for other high-temperature applications in cars.
2. Silicone Radiator Hose
While rubber hoses are standard for radiator hoses, Οι σωλήνες σιλικόνης προσφέρουν καλύτερη αντοχή στη θερμότητα. And it is more durable and long-lasting. Do you know why? Let me tell the reason about silicone hose’s these good features. Πράγματι, Silicone radiator hoses are high-performance hoses made from silicone rubber. Silicone always is a synthetic elastomer that offers excellent heat resistance, αντοχή, και ευελιξία.
KINGLIN As Leading Silicone Hose Manufacturers
We must recommand leading China silicone hose manufacturer, ΚΙΝΓΚΛΙΝ. Because we always provide quality silicone hoses and tube products. Such as Silicone radiator hose, Silicone hump hose and silicone vacuum hoses, και τα λοιπά.
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