
Οδηγός για ελαστικούς σωλήνες – Ελαστικοί σωλήνες θερμαντήρα

Οι ελαστικοί σωλήνες είναι εύκαμπτοι σωλήνες κατασκευασμένοι από υλικά όπως το καουτσούκ, σιλικόνη, και νεοπρένιο που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη σύνδεση διαφορετικών συστημάτων σωληνώσεων. They have several advantages over rigid piping, making them suitable for numerous applications.

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Types of Rubber Hoses

Common rubber hose types include:

  • Vacuum hosesUsed to transport gases and liquids under vacuum. Made of neoprene or silicone rubber.
  • Coolant hosesRubber hoses for transporting engine coolant. Made from EPDM and silicone rubber for high temperature resistance.
  • Fuel hosesTransport gasoline and diesel fuel in vehicles. Made from nitrile rubber or high-grade synthetic rubber.
  • Air hosesCarry compressed air in factories and workshops. Usually made of neoprene rubber to withstand abrasion.
  • Rubber heater hoseTransport hot water and steam in heat transfer systems. Made from silicone, neoprene or EPDM rubber.

Advantages Of Rubber Hoses By Rubber Tubes China Supplier

  • Ευκαμψία – Rubber hoses can flex and bend, absorbing vibrations and accommodating misalignments.
  • Vibration isolationTheir flexible structure helps isolate vibration from one system to another.
  • Αντοχή στη διάβρωση – Rubber materials resist corrosion from harsh chemicals and fluids.
  • Noise reductionRubber hose dampens noise transmissions between connected systems.
  • Χημική αντίσταση – Hoses made from rubber, neoprene or silicone can handle a range of chemicals.

Introduce About Rubber Heater Hoses From China Rubber Hose Supplier

Rubber heater hoses are specifically as designed to transport pressurized hot fluids like water, ατμός, ethylene glycol and oil in heating systems. They are made from heat resistant rubber that can withstand temperatures up to 250 degree Fahrenheit or more:

  • Σιλικόνη – Flexible up to 400 degree F, used for high temperature steam.
  • EPDM – Rated for 250 degree F, used for hot water and low pressure steam.
  • NeopreneHandles 200 degree F, mainly used for coolant and water.

Conclusion Of Rubber Heater Hoses

Rubber heater hoses ensure safe transport of hot fluids while absorbing vibrations and compensating for movements in heating systems. They are a cost-effective alternative to rigid metal piping.

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