
Kundenspezifischer Auto-Silikon-Kühlerschlauch im Großhandel


Car Radiator Hose Product Information

Top radiator rubber hose manufacturer, specializing in the production of a variety of rubber tube products, Silikonschlauch, Kühlerschlauch, usw.,
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Carries coolant from the radiator to the thermostat

This hose brings coolant from the radiator back to the engine via the thermostat. This radiator hose in particular is a common replacement item due to the extreme cooling and heating cycles it goes through. We recommend inspecting this hose more regularly for bulging, dry rot, or other deformities that indicate an imminent failure.

car radiator hose Product Parameter

Name car radiator hose
Materialien EPDM
Fertigungsprozess use in Cooling systems in Automobiles, Trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, Engines, Outdoor Power Equipment, Electrical Machines, usw.
Authentifizierung ISO/IATF16969
Größe anpassbar
OEM/ODM Accepted
Farben Schwarz
Verpackung PE-Beutel und Kartons


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