
So schneiden Sie Silikonschläuche

So schneiden Sie Silikonschläuche

Cutting a soft piece of rubber sounds easy, but making a clean cut around the hose is really difficult. We offer custom silicone tubing that can fit the size and shape you require, but if you ever need to cut your silicone tubing, this guide will help you how we use some simple tools to achieve a smooth, clean cut. No more jagged edges!

Tools needed to cut silicone hose
Ruler (make sure you cut the hose to the perfect length. If you cut it too short, there’s no way to get it back.)

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1. Use a ruler to measure the correct length you need to cut, mark the hose you want to cut with a marker.

2. Place the clip in the measured position, align the clip, then tighten and secure.

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3. Cut lightly along the edge of the clip, using this as a guide. The trick is to rotate the hose while keeping the blade in place. It will take a few more cuts to get a full pass.

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4. When the entire hose is cut, remove the clip and wipe the marker off with alcohol.

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Some Notes to Remember
1. When cutting the silicone hose, do not roll the hose, otherwise, you may miss your fingers.
2. Make sure to use the correct clampsserrated clamps, standard worm gear clamps, and wire clamps will never work with silicone hoses.
3. When cutting the silicone hose, be sure to use a very sharp blade. This will make the edges of your silicone tube cleaner and neater.
4. Make sure you always point the blade away from you when cutting.
5. Never try to cut the silicone hose with any toothed cutting tool as this will leave frayed fibers on the edge of the silicone hose.
6. If you use a little soapy water on the blade, it will make the cut easier and make the blade sharper for longer.

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